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Rosy Maple Moth
Life Cycle Diagram

Life Cycle- rosy maple moth.png

During the summer of 2021, I took a course called Illustrating Insects. This project involved creating a life cycle diagram for any insect species of our choosing. While researching, I discovered this beautiful little moth: the Rosy Maple Moth.


I used watercolor paints to create the pictures, and I added outlines and details with black and white micron pens. After completing the paintings, I scanned each and assembled them into the life cycle diagram using Adobe Illustrator.

Months after taking this course, I was looking through old photos and came across this picture of me when I was about 5 years old. I am standing near our cabin in northern WI, holding a Rosy Maple Moth! When choosing this insect for my life cycle diagram, I didn't realize that I had previously encountered it in my lifetime. I think little me would be proud!

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